Demystifying Handstripping
What is Hand Stripping?
Hand-stripping involves extracting dead and loose hairs directly from your dog's coat, particularly applicable to wire-coated dogs. This can be done manually or with the aid of tools, promoting the growth of new, healthy hairs. The resulting new hair growth will naturally be wiry and textured, which is desirable.
Terrier breeds, being natural hunters, possess thick, wiry coats designed to shield them during hunting, digging, or navigating through bushy areas. In their current roles as cherished pets, many terriers have retired from hunting activities. As a result, we assist our pets by manually removing old and dead hairs that would typically be naturally pulled out during their hunting days.
Will hand-stripping hurt my dog?
This is the primary and, understandably, the most significant worry for many new clients interested in handstripping. The reassuring answer is no; it does not cause any pain or discomfort. Wire-haired dogs experience a natural cycle where hair growth reaches its maximum length and becomes ready for removal, often referred to as a "blown coat." During this phase, the hairs are easily pulled out without causing any discomfort. The key to ensuring comfort lies in the technique employed. It is crucial to be mindful of sensitive areas, use tools correctly, and know when and where to stop the process.
Which Dog Breeds Need Hand Stripping?
Any dog with a wiry coat that is easily removed can get hand stripped. This includes most Terrier breeds, as well as some sporting or hound breeds. Many mixed terrier type dogs from southern areas also have a ‘strippable’ coat.
The following are examples of wire coated dog breeds where hand stripping is advised to maintain the coat’s distinctive texture:
The Schnauzer
The Cocker Spaniel
The Irish Wolfhound
The Wire Fox Terrier
The Wire-Haired Dachshund
The Border Terrier
The Airedale Terrier
The Affenpinscher
The Cairn Terrier
The German Wirehaired Pointer
The Scottish Terrier
The Wirehaired Pointing Griffon
Primrose, K. (2023, July 19). Handstripping Dogs - what is it and why is it necessary?. Primpaws Grooming Academy.